Step 4: Maintaining your weight for life

What's Inside?

  • 1

    Stage 6 : 12 month post Bariatric Surgery

    • Stage 6: 12 Months Post Surgery Nutrition Advice and Recommendations

  • 2

    Weight Regain - What do I do???

    • What To Do If You Regain Weight?

  • 3

    How to read Food Labelling

    • Understanding Food Labels ?

  • 4

    Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery

    • Pregnancy Post Bariatric Surgery

  • 5


    • Beef Meatballs

    • Beef rissoles

    • Chicken and quinoa salad

    • Grilled Beef Wrap

    • Prawn salad

    • Salmon & honey soy vegetables

    • Salmon & mango salsa

    • San Choy Bau

    • Teriyaki chicken

    • Thai Fish Cakes

    • Tofu Pad Thai

    • Roast Chicken and vegetables

    • Yellow vegetable curry

    • Fish Taco

    • Prawn Salad

    • Tzattziki Dip - Add your own veges to use a Dipper

    • Vegetable Frittata

    • Museli Slice

    • Extra Recipes from Stage 4/5

  • 6

    BONUS : 7 Day Balanced Healthy Eating Meal Plan

    • Long Term Standard Meal Plan ( 3 years post )

    • Meal Plan : 12 months- 2 years post

Avoid gaining back weight after surgery!

Learn the key skills to avoid weight regain and troubleshooting your diet and lifestyle life-long, including top tips if you are planning a pregnancy by expert dietitian, Claire Ward

Meet Your Instructor

Accredited Practising Dietitan / Director Ward Nutrition

Claire Ward

Claire is a Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 20 years of experience and has been working with thousands of people going through bariatric (or weight loss) surgery for over 15 years. Claire understands the struggles physically and psychologically associated with this surgery. She is a recognized provider for the Butterfly Foundation and Australian Center of Eating Disorders and can provide you with the nutritional counselling you required to get through this surgery and live a healthy life going forward. Claire offers face to face consults or online consults from her clinic, Ward Nutrition, in NSW, Australia. If you require individual advice, please do not hesitate to contact her or book an appointment 5301 6435